Responsable des projets culturels, WorldTop ESN

Professeure d'Anglais, Polytech, Université Clermont Auvergne

Mme LEGRAND (Présidente du Jury)
Responsable des Relations Internationales, Direction de l'Enseignement Supérieur et Relations Internationales, Ville de Clermont-Ferrand



Content (the speech text): /10
  • Is it a speech (writing to be performed)? (1 point)
  • Is it adapted to the audience of pupils (content level B1-B2; style) and does it resonate with the three other speeches of the team? (2 points)
  • Are there any spelling, lexical, or grammatical errors (quality of English must be irreproachable)? (2 points)
  • Is each idea within the text clearly explained? (1 point)
  • Is the argumentation clear (“signposting”, repetition of key ideas, etc.) and does it serve to convince (does the introduction make us want to listen to the rest of the speech; is there a strong conclusion arrived at logically?) (1 point)
  • How wide-ranging and in-depth (and well-understood) is the research (pertinent use of quotations, facts and figures, and references to serious research and to quality journalism)? (1 point)
  • Does the team member have original ideas; are they fully explored and relevant? (1 point)
  • Do we learn something; do we apprehend things differently thanks to the speech text; will it motivate and/or inspire the audience? (1 point)

REMINDER: A copy of each speech text must be sent (via ortisbateau@gmail.com) to the members of the Jury at least four days before the competition (a detailed bibliography must be annexed to each speech text). 

Delivery: /10
  • Has the dress code been respected? (1 point)
  • How well is the speech learnt (how much does the team member use his reminder)? (1 point)
  • Quality of spoken English: volume, clarity (pitch, pace, diction, pronunciation, intonation, tone, pauses, etc.); does the audience of pupils hear and understand everything? (3 points)
  • Stage presence (communication skills): coordination with the three other members of the team, appropriate body language, gestures, facial expressions, and movement on stage (how well does the team member convey emotions and conviction to the audience of pupils?) (4 points)
  • Has the timing been respected (5 minutes)? (1 point)

Nota bene: It is the quality of the candidate's COMMUNICATION SKILLS (i.e. how well he or she uses his spoken English abilities to convince the audience) NOT the level of English of the candidate that counts most. However, for the sake of fairness, a candidate that is NOT biligual gets given two free points (pupils in OIB are considered bilingual).

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